Consumer Affairs Ministry calls for strict implementation of new packaging rules - Legal Metrology

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs has authorized the legal metrology officers of states to implement the new packaging rules strictly on all applicable products. It is now mandatory for companies to declare more than 10 details on the packaging of the product in the interest of the consumers.
MCA also instructed that Indian Consumers will soon have a simpler way to report defective products and services. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs declared that it will start accepting customer complaints through WhatsApp on the National Consumer Helpline.
Declaration of mandatory details on the outer retail package as per new packaging rules
1. In the interest of consumers, Rule 6 of the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011, it is mandatory to mention the following necessary information, on all the product packages, meant for retail sale. Following are the details to be mentioned in the packages:
- Name and address of the manufacturer/importer/importer;
- Country of origin for imported commodities;
- Generic/Common name of the products contained in the package;
- Net quantity, in terms of standard unit of measure or weight /measure /number;
- Month and year of import/manufacture/ pack;
- Best before for the commodities which may become unsafe for human consumption.
- Retail sale price in the form of Maximum Retail Price (MRP) Rs ..... Inclusive of all taxes
- Consumer care details
- Where the commodity sizes contained in the package are relevant and mentioned for each piece and,
- Unit sale price (has come into force w.e.f. 01.02.2023)
2. It is seen that the mandatory details are not declared on a retail package that contains more than one retail package.
3. It is declared that it is mandatory that all the obligatory declarations shall also be made on all retail packages inside a group/gift package/combination / multi-piece, under rule 4 of the Legal Metrology Act.
4. In the interest of consumers, it should be ensured that the net quantity, MRP, and date of expiry/ use by date are mentioned on the outer packaging of all the commodity packages required under Rule 6 and Rule 14 of the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011.
5. The field officers may be directed consequently to make sure the above rules are strictly followed in the interest of consumers.
If you need any clarification regarding the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules 2011, feel free to contact the ASC Group.
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