Legal Metrology Manufacturer License

The legal metrology aims to standardise the weights and measures to protect the interest of the consumers. This standardisation is implemented through mandatory legal metrology registration requirements for businesses dealing in weights and measures, whether as importers, manufacturers, dealers or repairers. Accordingly, the manufacturers of weights and measures are required to obtain legal metrology manufacturer license in order to manufacture the weights and measures.
What is Legal Metrology Manufacturer License?
The legal metrology manufacturer license is granted to the manufacturers of the weights and measures. It is important that the weighing and measuring equipment’s function properly and show accurate results as it directly affects consumer interest, business as well as the revenue of the exchequer. Legal metrology manufacturer registration ensures that the weights and measures are compliant with the regulatory requirements and follow the set standards.
Benefits of Legal Metrology Manufacturer License
Apart from protecting the interest of the customers, there are numerous benefits of metrology manufacturer license. This includes the following:
- Statutory Compliance: It is mandatory for the manufacturers of weights and measures to obtain legal metrology manufacturer license.
- Build Customer Trust: Legal metrology manufacturer registration makes it easier to build consumer trust as the consumers perceive the business as authentic and trustworthy.
- Lessen Transaction Cost: Registration under legal metrology can help reduce transaction costs and also save you from the levy of potential fines and penalties for non-registration.
- Broader Market Access: Being a legally compliant business has a lot of benefits in terms of future opportunities. Legal metrology manufacturer license can open the doors for such opportunities as well as international expansion of your business, thus fuelling business growth and expansion.
- Encourages Quality: Manufacturers registered under legal metrology are encouraged to improve and maintain the quality of the weights and measures produced. This not only helps them stay compliant with the regulatory standards but also helps improve their reputation and product quality significantly.
Procedure of LMPC Manufacturer License
In order to obtain legal metrology manufacturer license, you need to follow the below process:
- File the application for legal metrology manufacturer license in Form LM-1
- The application shall be sent to the District Nodal Official who shall then forward it to the Inspector (Legal Metrology Officer) based on the location of the firm.
- The inspector shall examine the application and the requisite documents, including the manufacturing capacity of the applicant and its premises. He shall prepare a report and a recommendation that shall be sent to the Licensing Authority (Controller).
- After examination of the application, documents and report of the legal metrology officer, the assistant controller shall transmit these to the controller along with their recommendations.
- In case of any error or mistake in the application, the controller, inspector or assistant controller may issue a query or objection. The applicant shall address the same.
- Once the controller is satisfied with the application, it may ask the applicant to pay the license fees.
- The authorities shall issue the legal metrology manufacturer license in the prescribed format after receipt of the requisite fees.
Documents for Legal Metrology Manufacturer License
The following are the required documents for legal metrology manufacturer license:
- Identity proof of the applicant
- Address proof of the business premises
- Details relating to the space required for proper and smooth functioning of manufacturing operations
- Equipment’s relating to the manufacturing
- Documents relating to the constitution of the firm i.e., partnership deed, memorandum of association, articles of association
- Financial details
- Photograph of the applicant
- Model approval certificate
- Any other document as may be required
Also, Check "Legal Metrology Repairer License"
How ASC Can Help?
In case you are willing to apply for legal metrology manufacturer license, then you need professionals who can provide end-to-end support, from gathering documents to post-registration compliances. Here’s how the ASC Group can help with legal metrology manufacturer registration in India:
- Gathering of all the documents relating to the application for legal metrology manufacturer license
- Preparation and filing of the application for manufacturer license
- Assistance in relation to the inspection conducted by the legal metrology officials
- Liaising with the authorities for the resolution of objections and queries
- Ensuring timely and accurate post-registration compliances after obtaining legal metrology manufacturer registration
- Renewal of legal metrology manufacturer license upon expiry
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who needs to obtain legal metrology manufacturer license?
A: Any person who is engaged in the manufacturing of the weights and measures is required to obtain legal metrology manufacturer license.
Q: What is the validity of legal metrology manufacturer license?
A: The validity of legal metrology manufacturer license is minimum 1 year that can be extended to 5 years.
Q: Is legal metrology license mandatory for manufacturers?
A: Yes. No person can manufacture, import or repair weights and measures without obtaining legal metrology registration.
Q: Which application is required to be filed for legal metrology manufacturer registration?
A: Manufacturers are required to file Form LM-1 to apply for legal metrology manufacturer registration.
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